Last night I consumed a healthy repast of grilled salmon, green lentils, new and sweet potatoes. Had a good sleep with a bit of a lie in. Popped a few ibuprofens to help knock the edge off my sciatica. Drank some Lucozade with carbohydrate and electrolytes and popped some into my Fuel Belt bottles for the long journey ahead. Now, here are the 2 other things that I think clinched the deal between my legs and the road on this my longest training run to date...
Sunshine + M&S Percy PigsNow I know tons of seasoned runners swear by Jelly Babies but by treating yourself to a Percy Pig every half an hour not only do you give yourself a little lift when you see his smiley face looking at you but you give yourself a competitive advantage of 5 calories and 2.3 grams of carbohydrates ahead of any babe made of jelly. I'll go for that! In addition there is no 'baby dust' to contend with so you can keep your running pouch clean. Bonus.
All these things together seemed to combine to make a good formula for my longest run ever - 3 hours and 13 minutes to do 20 miles. Because I'm such a huge fan of the Ironbridge Half route I did that again and slapped another 7 on top of that, the last couple being uphill which I have come to learn is the quickest way for me to improve my performance overall.
I wasn't as shattered after this run as I thought I'd be and for the first time the feeling of utter dread and desperation about the marathon seemed to subside a little knowing that I'd only have to find enough juice to keep me going for another 6 on the big day...only...ha ha!